Our Trademark and more
We are humbled and grateful for the many people and organizations that want to work with us to raise funds to support our mission and vision.
What does PINK "ME" ® registered trademark mean?
In 2020 we became an authorized 501 (C) (3) organization and set out to raise awareness and funds for women within the breast cancer community in need of additional supportive services and resources. We are held to all regulations that cover fundraising practices with that status.
We do not allow our name or likeness to be used unless there is an agreement in place with our organization.
PINK "ME"® is a registered trademark name and logo. Fundraising or advertising for cancer using either name or logo is protected by the trademark of our brand.
Use of Name and Logo
~Events should complement the mission and vision of PINK "ME" (Compassionately supporting women during and after their breast cancer journey through education, inspiration, and advocacy so they can lead healthy, fulfilled lives within a supportive community).
~Your organization cannot state or imply that it is an agent, subsidiary, or partner of PINK "ME" or that it holds any other business relationship with PINK "ME".
~Publicity for your event may not imply that the event is sponsored or co-sponsored by PINK "ME" or that we are involved as anything but the beneficiary.
~You may not use PINK "ME" name or logo or otherwise indicate to the public that an event is being held for the benefit of PINK "ME" without the prior written content of an authorized representative of this organization. You may not make public announcements or promote any such event until you receive written approval from organization.
~PINK "ME: reserves the right to review and approve in writing all promotional materials including, but not limited to, advertising, letters, brochures, flyers, and press releases prior to production and distribution. Proposed materials should be submitted via email to info@pink-me.org or by mail to PINK "ME", 7820 Enchanted Hills Blvd STE A 252, Rio Rancho NM 87144.
(We ask that all events are approved no less than two weeks prior to the proposed fundraising event)
Helping one family at a time!